Home Archives: Kentucky Statehood
  1. The Untraveled History of the Wilderness Road

    The Untraveled History of the Wilderness Road

    By: Mildred Leedy Armao Daniel Boone is iconized as the man who blazed the trail across the Cumberland Mountains from Virginia to Kentucky. This important route, then, opened the door for tens of thousands of pioneers to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. Initially, the trace was simply that; a...

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  2. Researching Kentucky Genealogy – Part 1: Important Dates

    Researching Kentucky Genealogy – Part 1: Important Dates

    By: Louise Jones, KHS Director, Special Collections and Library This article will be the first in a series that looks at resources available to those doing genealogy in Kentucky.  Everyone who has ever read an article on “Getting Started on Your Family Tree” knows that there is more to tracing...

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