The Parents of John McClarty, aka John McBrown
By: Neil E. Mellen Biographical sketches of Eli Huston Brown (1841–1911) agree that Eli’s father was John McClarty Brown but disagree on the identity of John McClarty Brown’s parents. The sketch in W. H. Perrin’s Kentucky: A History of the State says: Eli H. Brown . . . is a son of John Mc. and Minerva J. (Murray) Brown, the former a native of Nelson County and the latter of Washington County. His grandfather, Joseph Brown, came from Virginia, and settled in Nelson County. John M. Gresham’s Biographical Cyclopedia of the Commonwealth of Kentucky adds: Eli H. Brown is a...
The Nathan Hawkins “Mansion”: A Stone House in the Kentucky Territory of Virginia, 1790
By: Dr. Gay Sweely The house itself was … peeking stoically out from behind two overgrown oak trees …. It was a timeworn stone structure … with an addition thoughtlessly tacked on the back. That part was painted a dingy white … Indeed, the house hadn’t been lived in … for reasons that hadn’t yet been explained …. Dense, feminine, ivy with delicate fingers curved her nails around the front doors but it didn’t really matter since the doors were nailed shut with thick, ugly wooden planks that peeked grotesquely through the vines. This quote, from fictional novelist...
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