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  1. Book Notes – On a Burning Deck. The Road to Akron & Return to Akron

    Book Notes – On a Burning Deck. The Road to Akron & Return to Akron

    On a Burning Deck. The Road to Akron. An Oral History of the Great Migration vol. 1. & On a Burning Deck: Return to Akron. By Tom Jones. (2017. Pp. 298. $18.95. Paperback. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform: http://www.onaburningdeck.com/) ISBN: 978-1-5440-2537-7 & 978-1545565766. Akron, Ohio native Tom Jones presents a fascinating story...

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  2. Video How-To: Accessing Our Collections Part 1 – Visiting the Library

    Video How-To: Accessing Our Collections Part 1 – Visiting the Library

    Kentucky Ancestors, Video Tutorial: Accessing Our Collections Part 1: Visiting the Library Are you ready to take your Kentucky research to another level? Do you have a Kentucky ancestor brick wall? Visiting our library on-site can help take your research to the next level! Prior to your visit, please watch...

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  3. Book Notes–Frontiersmen in the War of 1812

    Book Notes–Frontiersmen in the War of 1812

    Frontiersman in the War of 1812. By Glen Conner. (2015. Pp. 360. $26.95. Hardback. Morley: Acclaim Press. P.O. Box 238, Morely, MO 63801. http://www.acclaimpress.com/) ISBN: 978-1-938905-90-2. When reading about the War of 1812, Conner was surprised to learn seventeen men from his home county, Allen County KY, had been in the war....

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