Layout Manager
The drag-and-drop layout manager allows you to create custom layouts for your content. Configure every element: Logo, header, slide show, page content, sidebars, footer and more. Assign custom layouts to any page or post.
Unlimited Sidebars
Create custom sidebars using the sidebar generator. Assign sidebars to layouts or insert them directly into content using the sidebar shortcode.
Unlimited Custom Headers
Create custom headers for your layouts and attach any content, sidebars, slide show, background image, colors and more. Assign a header to a layout or specify a custom header for any page or post as needed.
Unlimited Custom Footers
Create custom footers for your layouts and attach your own content, sidebars, background image, colors and more. Assign a footer to a layout or specify one directly for a page or post.
White Label Admin
Razor has no backend branding – giving you a white labe admin area to work with. The backend is clean and easy to use and integrates perfectly with the WordPress backend style.
Massive Blog Options
You can chose from different display style and control a bunch of settings like showing date, author etc.
Easy Slideshow Management
You can create as many slideshows as you want and attach them to different areas of your site via the layout manager. A live preview makes it easy to re-arange slides. You can set a background image for each slide, chose size and transparency levels.
Extreme Customization
Razor has an incredible amount of features. Add your own favicon or 404 page. You can even add your own default images and much much more.
Contact Form Builder
With Razor you won’t need an extra plugin to create a contact form that fits your needs. Add new input fields in just a few clicks and turn on Captcha to stop those spammers.
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