Home Archives: Maryland
  1. Collections Corner: Henry Middleton Hyatt Genealogy Collection

    Collections Corner: Henry Middleton Hyatt Genealogy Collection

    The Rev. Dr. Harry Middleton Hyatt was a folklorist interested in Adams County, Illinois and witchcraft. He began researching the Millers of Millersburg, Kentucky in 1973, to publish an update to the 1929 edition, but died (Dec. 1978) before he could publish his work. Harry Middleton Hyatt, M.A., D.D., was...

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  2. John Storms and Hannah Collard: My Mystery Ancestors

    John Storms and Hannah Collard: My Mystery Ancestors

    By: Patricia Craig Johnson John Storms and Hannah Collard have been in the back of my mind for years.  Since finding that Simon Pryor Jr. married Margaret Storms 20 May 1813 I have wanted to prove the identity of her parents.  I felt the logical prospects were John Storm and his...

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