History Mystery: Daphne Club Christmas, Augusta, 1939


As the Holiday Season picks up steam, how many parties have you been to so far? Those parties just keep coming, which is nothing new. Our ancestors enjoyed getting together to celebrate the Season just like we do today! This group of ladies, members of the Daphne Club, is enjoying their Christmas party at the Parkview Hotel in Augusta, Bracken County, circa 1939. The Daphne Club was formed in 1896. Daphne was known as the “goddess of fun” (or of pleasure). They did no fund-raising nor embrace any causes. They simply got together to have fun! During the  World War I and II years they became a sewing club, contributing to the War efforts, but they “didn’t accept any other responsibilities.” Calling on our Bracken County readers, can you identify any of these festive members? Do you have any memories of the Parkview Hotel? For the rest of our readers: Have you heard of any other “Daphne” clubs in your community? Was this club unique to Augusta, or was this a trend in other communities? This photo is part of the Ohio River Portrait Project, and was contributed by Mrs. John S. Parker. Can you add to our knowledge of this picture?  Add your comments below or go to the KHS Digital Collections and add your comments in the comments field at the bottom of the page. Click here to go to the Digital Collections.

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