History Mystery: Turkeys of Kentucky

Does anyone remember the Browning turkey farm in Winchester, Kentucky?  This image is shows Perry Browning, who was the president of the National Turkey Federation and owner of Browning Coal and Feed Co., standing in the middle of a crowd of turkeys.  Do you have a memory of going to …

History Mystery: William B. Ogden Studio Negatives

Last week, the KHS Special Collections and Library team traveled to Winchester to host another Piecing Together History Event – hoping to connect photographs back to a community. The Studio Negatives Collection of photographer William B. Ogden consists of over 10,000 images. As a local photographer who traveled the region, …

Winter Hours in the Library

As crazy as the month of December is with Christmas and bad weather and parties galore, the staff at the KHS Special Collections and Library takes it up another notch in preparing for our Winter Hours.  Now you may be thinking if we are “closed,” then what is there to …