By: Louise Jones, KHS Director, Special Collections and Library This article will be the first in a series that looks at resources available to those doing genealogy in Kentucky. Everyone who has ever read an article on “Getting Started on Your Family Tree” knows that there is more to tracing …
Author: KHS Media
Brick by Brick: Building Your Brick Wall
By: Cheri Daniels, KAO Editor and KHS Head of Reference Services There has been a recent national trend among genealogy experts that discredits the concept of the “brick wall”. I have heard some experts loudly declare that there is no such thing as a brick wall, only poor or incomplete research. …
Genealogy 101: Where do I start?
By Your Kentucky Ancestors Team So you’ve seen the ads on TV for, and begun to wonder “Can it really be that easy?” Why yes, it can. It can also be a bit more complex, if you want more than can fit into a 50 second video clip. This …